SOME THOUTHS AFTER THE WORKSHOP – Galina Borissova , Bulgaria
I wanted to create situation, when we could have opportunity for jubilant (archaic) – to feel or express immense joy / ju·bi·lant adj (feeling or expressing great delight over a success, achievement, or victory)
1. don’t eat and drink while someone is trying to present something or explain something , it always better to do one thing than 2
2. respect the schedule, come in time
3.try to be open to do anything you never have done before
4.be not only pleased with the things you are get used to do before
5.keep your mind, that one day you might be in a position of making something and you might need support to make it happen
6. don’t be in a hurry for anything, there is enough time ahead of us, but don’t miss the moments while there is an opportunity
7. remember we are responsible for our mistakes
8. our reputation is important
9.we slowly build things and very fast can brake it
10. don’t evaluate immediately, take time for a while and probably you understand things/ people better
11. the mutations and experiments are interesting things, sometimes we spent so much efforts to persist to make it, the result for the other people might be zero, or it may bring such a big change, that it turns our life into another direction
12. safe secure dance/ life? or open for to change the focus and try to escape from trends
13. it is enough if we try, even we don’t make it
14. my favorite improve is when anything is taken to advantage
15. I don’ t like recently to continue to ask so many questions, I want been able to answer to a few questions which are left without answers
16. when I like it, I love it , when I don’t like it, I try still to love it
17. I want to call my technique after the workshop- tintiri-mintiri
18. think after doing it, don’t’ think before
19. the childish behavior is ok, if next to us is our mom
20. between vertical and horizontal level…..
vertical –
ver·ti·cal adj
1. at a right angle to the horizon
2. extending or standing in an upright position, or running straight up or down something such as a piece of paper
3. at the vertex or directly overhead
4. relating to or involving all the consecutive stages in the production of goods, from design to sale
5. at or relating to the highest point of a body part, especially the top or crown of the head
6. involving or made up of successive or many levels
1. a vertical structure, line, surface, or part
2. a position that is upright or at a right angle to the horizon
Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
horizontal -
hor·i·zon·tal adj
1. parallel to the horizon
2. measured or operating in a plane parallel to the horizon
3. lying down or in a reclining position (informal)
4. being at or having the same level within a group of people
5. applied equally to all members, parts, or aspects of something
6. relating to the horizon
a horizontal line, surface, or position
Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
Suggestion: be calm, lazy and happy while going something. But also be in shape while don’t do anything, and still calm, and happy
(in the buss going back home on 23rd march 2008)
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