What finally came out of my workshop with the Nomad dance academy 2010, Sofia:
We had 2 hours class : warm up + 1 hour structural improvisation. I follow my plan 50 %. The rest came out of what the mutual energy, feelings and atmosphere we had created together. Some of the Nomads asked me to give them more physical class and because of this I decided not to be so creative, but more practical. So we tried together lot of different mix exercises based on more old modern /classical education, but with the freedom for making the movements comfortable for each body and to choose particular shapes. But I found out a bit of copy/paste and tried to escape from this habit. I was showing some exercises, which we didn't work on it so much to perfect. I didn’t explained in purpose what is the purpose of this unusual class, but I am sure at certain time the Nomads will get the reason. For them it was like I am not sure where I lead them, but this is my TM. We have been 20 people together with 4 Bulgarian guests. It was too many artists at the studio. The 3rd day after we all where very tired from late going to beds (ANTISTATIK festival was running this week) we did 35 min. running + falling down and up without brakes and it was exhausting but useful I think. Only when we stress our body and mind- we could probably gain interesting information and learn a lot about ourselves. This was my purpose. Everyone did it. Last day, when I brought different massage oil and one silicone vibrator (reaction of the last day show) and we relax and spend time to talk, the Nomads wrote down the answers of the questions I put in a questioner. Last day we had also 2 children (1 and 2 years old) circulating around us. It was big mess atmosphere and the room was felled with different concentrations what is going on in the room, but with not common focus. I think the 3rd and the last days where the most great days for me. The 1st day was more plain, and the forth day more creative. But the unusual days where the 3rd and the 5th. Probably not the successful ones, but the one I am sure all of us will remember it.
Comparing with my first Nomad workshop in Skopje, this group has great potential, tolerance to diversity, they all are matured and with great energy. I was more practical and less creative this time.I was a bit like old-fashioned historical teacher in a now a days context. But I felt in this throwing of ideas through practical exercises gave to the Nomads personal scan of the merits of the things they have been doing.
In one sentence: my classes where planted on the ground with a lot of blossom of flying ideas in the air.
14 April 2010
Galina Borissova
Workshop Plan (9-13 April 2010, 3 hours per day)
1 day: to give a class- worm up showing what my body’s needs, which kind of movement I enjoy and which kind of mix exercises my body do at the recent moment I gave 3 my own exercises (coordination, direction, speed) to the students. Focus at: between vertical- horizontal and between slow – fast and between direct and indirect / moments of immobility, insecurity and not perfection.
2 day: what is not comfortable and comfortable for particular bodies/ some exercises for swinging legs, divide body on 2 parts: upper and low/ exercise for open and close from the center in vertical mode/ memories exercise
3 day: circles walking, running in spiral, making small circles in big circle / walking direct to the center and out of center/ exercise for reaction: start and stop everyone in line/ running 35min. + down and up
4 day: couple dance- fighting / improvisation - reacting to the partner / quartets – 2 couples strive to defeat the others (this is a very good way to warm up in active mode while the task gives opportunities to move fast and to react to the rest of the people, and the space around, awareness to the whole situation which is emerging)
5 day: presentation of structure and the focus of all things, which has been done for the previous 4 days/ assuming and analyzing the practice/ improvisation for group of 3 people- bones, joints, muscles + impro with balls
Questioner for the Nomad students:
1. How many days from the 5 days workshop you missed it? How many hours from the 15h. work you didn’t participated together with the group and have been seating?
2. Describe with one sentence the teacher?
3. How many hours you spend working alone in the studio in Sofia?
4. Did you already have decided who you will work with for your project?
5. Could you describe with 2,3 sentences what is contemporary dance.
6. How many shows did you like from the ANTISTATIK festival? From how many you have seen.
7. Say 3 things you think is useful from this class, or 3 things you have gained from the course? And 3 things which you didn’t enjoy much?
8. Say one name you recommend for the group to search in google to watch her/his performance in ytube. Person you like as a creator/ actor/dancer or person who has big influence on you.
9. How do you imagine your self after 10 years?
10. If you have to scale 3 important things for yourself – preferences of choices, your priorities, which are this things: for example : most important is to:
a) get married
b) to have children,
c) to have career. Or have career, travel, buy a house etc..
11. Please, write down your name, how old are you, where are you from, and your email.